Breaking Free from the Grind: Resisting Internalized Capitalism for a Healthier Lifestyle

By Anna Kraft, LPC

By Anna Kraft, LPC

It’s hard to take a break without feeling guilty. The pressure to be constantly ‘productive’ weighs on a lot of us. It leads us to brunout and makes us feel unworthy. The constant external validation for “all we do” can feel like a medal that is slowing dragging us down, each comment it gets a little heavier.

Internalized capitalism is the idea that an individual’s value is tied to their productivity. Most of us have generations behind us of this internalized capitalism, following us into our here and now. The more you produce, the more you are seen as valuable. This ideology overlooks our inherent worth as humand beings and pushes us to neglect ourselves in pursuit of constant output and success.

This is so conditioned in us that breaking free requires a lot of subconscious and conscious work. Internalized capitalism is found in social media, advertisements, news.. basically all forms of media.

There are things we can do to start breaking some of this messaging, giving us space to start exploring our worthiness in rest, recovery and away from the hustle.

  1. Curate Your Social Media: I mean really look at who you are following. What are you liking on social media. We all know of the algorithm and unfortunately it cycles around internalized capitalism. Are you surrounding yourself with messaging around the constant hustle, or need to buy the next best thing that will make you look, feel or act better. Making the adjustment takes time, start to follow people more closely aligned with your values, be aware of what you are watching and taking in and with that awareness slowly start to pivot. Your algorithm will follow.
  2. Establish New Rituals: Dedicate time to activities that resonate with your values and goals. Heck – you might have to figure out what values might have been programmed into you and what values are actually authentic to you. These rituals don’t have to be elaborate or expensive. Whether it’s reading a book in your favorite chair, mindfully listening to music, or engaging in joyful movement, these small rituals contribute to your well-being. They shift us for the need for more into the enjoyment of the moment
  3. Reflect: These narratives don’t develop overnight, and give yourself some grace. Reflect on the messages, images, and interactions that shaped your perception of productivity over the years. By identifying the origin of your internalized capitalism, you can begin to deconstruct and redefine your values.
  4. Start working on Subconscious Barriers: Breaking free from internalized capitalism can be challenging, especially when it’s deeply ingrained in daily systems. Therapy provides a supportive environment to examine the roots of internalized capitalism, helping you untangle your values from societal narratives. Your therapist can guide you in building personal rituals, improving relationships, and connecting with community healing resources.