By: Patrice Flanagan-Morris, LCSW
Yoga is a wonderful tool y that helps many people become more embodied, and connected to themselves and increases flexibility and muscle toning. Many people I work with struggle at times with yoga because the moves can be challenging, it is too slow and they want a faster-paced workout or they get “too inside” their minds.
For me, yoga has taken time to get into and embrace. Something that helped was learning a few poses that I could try every day that helped me reset when becoming overwhelmed, irritated, or not fully present.
Here they are, give them a try and see how they work. I’ve included the website URL for each so you can get in-depth on how to do each one. They are simple, take less than five minutes, and help reset the mind and body to be more present, engaged, and clear.
Forward Fold:
– Forward fold into mountain pose helps with decreasing stress, supporting anxiety and decreasing fatigue. I do this pose to start my work day in support of being present and attuned to everyone I work with.
Learn more at:
Legs up the Wall Pose:
– This pose has a calming effect and supports mild back pain. If you are finding yourself spinning around in your head give it a try!
Learn more here:
Cobra Pose:
– Cobra is a great pose for supporting lower back pain, getting a stretch throughout your abdomen, helping alleviate feelings of sadness, and calming the mind.
Learn more at:
Remember! One of the most important things about yoga poses and their therapeutic benefits is you inhale and exhale with the moves, this provides a reset to your nervous system and helps engage the parasympathetic nervous system. The PNS supports calming anxiety, and feelings of overwhelm and helps us to become confident, connected, and clear.