Reignite the Power Within You!
When the negative thoughts are too loud.
When your negative thoughts get too loud, acknowledging them instead of avoiding them may actually be the way through.
Why Talk About Your Body in Therapy?
Therapy has new depths when we start to include the body. It can support the changes that you have been hoping to see all this time.
Avoiding Anxiety – Is That Why You’re Anxious?
Anxiety is a survival skill. It tells us there is danger near, kicks on our fight-or-flight, and gets us ready for action. Having anxiety is a good thing when it’s appropriate for our survival instincts to kick in. However, avoiding anxiety usually leads us to create more anxiety.
Art Therapy, a Different Way for You To Heal
Art Therapy is a non-traditional way to start healing and processing what you couldn’t before. You don’t need to be an artist or have any innate creativity. Art Therapy will open your mind up to all of this and help you manage your daily struggles on top of it.
How To Calm Down Quickly
There are many ways to support yourself in calming down. The one that is most commonly used, is also the one that keeps us stuck in feeling dysregulated. If you are trying to calm down by telling yourself to calm down, it isn’t going to work…
Using Anxiety as a Superpower
What if you could use your anxiety to help you? There are many ways that anxiety is a superpower and helps us expand. It helps us foresee danger, gives us cues that something might be wrong, and challenges our impulses when they need to be.
Managing Change & Becoming More Flexible
Most of us struggle with change - here are 8 keys to help you manage change and become more flexible without being overwhelmed.
Slowing Down When Overwhelmed
We all get overwhelmed, STOP is a simple skill to help you stay aligned with your values and not act impulsively.
How Can I Be More Positive?
The more evidence we provide ourselves that pleasant or neutral events are occurring, the more likely we are to combat narratives like the “bad day.” As you work to implement this exercise, be cautious of the difference between embodying pleasant experiences vs toxic positivity.
How To Get Rid of Stress
One of the most common searches on Google in the new year is this question – how do I get rid of my stress? The short answer is one many people won’t like. You can’t. Life is full of stress, as a human being stress is a non-negotiable.
How To Make Positive Affirmations More Useful in Your Life
Positive Affirmations are common right now. Many people preach affirmations and swear by their effectiveness to support overall self-esteem. However, more times than not when I sit across from a client they tell me a secret: “I try those affirmations, but they don’t seem to make a difference.”
What Is Mindfulness and How To Support It as a Habit
Mindfulness is not simply meditating every day, it is a practice of intentional awareness of each moment throughout our day. Practicing mindfulness practices daily, bringing simple awareness and intention to our thoughts and actions, we create a greater understanding of ourselves, what sets us off, and brings us joy.
Calming the Sympathetic Nervous System
Our sympathetic nervous system (SNS) helps us engage in fight or flight so that we can protect ourselves from danger. The brain is not able to discern perceived vs real threat, it simply sees a threat as a threat.
We Are All Leaders
We are all leaders, we all have people looking at us, modeling from us, and learning from us. In these times of crisis, this is amplified. So what does it mean to be a leader, especially in times of crisis?
What Is Brainspotting?
Brainspotting is a body-based therapy that helps resolve past experiences so that they no longer inhibit you. Brainspotting resolves old stories in the lower parts of our brains that make us reactive or block us from taking care of ourselves we can engage in our lives to create more self-fulfillment and awareness.
Setting Healthy Boundaries in the Workplace
Patrice Flanagan-Morris of Empowerment Within talks about what healthy workplace boundaries are, how to set them and what gets in the way of setting them.