Reignite the Power Within You!
What Season Are You In? – Allowing Rest
We all need seasons of rest – life requires it of us. It doesn’t have to be a huge loss or trauma that precipitates this. Sometimes your body simply says enough is enough. I cannot do it anymore. I need to slow down…
The Importance of Rest and Relaxation for Our Well-Being & Brain Functioning
We often treat rest and relaxation as a reward. Something to be earned after burning the candle at both ends. In Western culture, this is seen as laziness. We have created a whole narrative to go with relaxation because we don’t understand its function.
Hope Through Winter and COVID-19
Are you nervous about the upcoming winter months and your mental wellness? Here are 8 tips to support you in creating more hope this winter.
What Is Mindfulness and How To Support It as a Habit
Mindfulness is not simply meditating every day, it is a practice of intentional awareness of each moment throughout our day. Practicing mindfulness practices daily, bringing simple awareness and intention to our thoughts and actions, we create a greater understanding of ourselves, what sets us off, and brings us joy.
Yoga Poses for Daily Resets
Yoga poses are a wonderful tool for many that help them become more embodied, connected to themselves and increase flexibility and muscle toning. They are simple, take less than five minutes, and help reset the mind and body to be more present, engaged, and clear.